Your ‘Praise and Worship’ Is Gay, Just STOP IT.

I’m Hetero and I have Preferences Too!

Lesang Dikgole
2 min readJun 4, 2024

High Octane Music by Chris Tomlin.

Matt Redman is zu soft.

The rest are into Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll Music being sang with all the happy clappings and clippings.

The rationale for why I write very wild sayings and critiques of my own faith is that unlike David, the psalmist, I am too timid to challenge God so directly as he could in his psalms, hymns and spriritual songs. So I resort to damning reflections of my own Christian Faith (and history) instead, albeit more on the irreverent side.

See, we Christians do not have the luxury that the Kings and Prophets of the old covenant had : which was to engage directly with God on questions of his availability and justice in the face of slavery and threats of genocide, nein, all we have got is our Immanuel (whom we worship) and it is not in our best interest or sanity to question his Immanence (some Christian ‘philosophers’ like Nietzsche, Kant and Darwin tried; we’ll just say that it end didn’t too well for them socially or psychologically). But David did question His Immanence as he could and not only got away with it, but gave us a solid tome for future reflection, prayer, and song.

So, NO. We don’t need more fake gayness in our liturgy because true Prophets already went to pains for it. “The Lord will judge His people.” and “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” meaning we better watch it when we fiddle with what God has commanded, and better not experiment with his Immanence through reflection, prayer or song.

The rest, (like I have oftentimes done shamefully) we are free to question with the aim of countering ignorance.

