Wait -> Get Screwed. Go Indie!

All that obsession with grammar, prose and everything “mega” completely misses the point

Lesang Dikgole
1 min readJun 8, 2019

I barely care about prestige, grammar and the “mega” lifestyle.

There is a good reason for that.

See, “mega” is a lie. Besides, I’m not a meat-pie eater or a burger-eater from England/America. I am not “lazy”!

What matters to me, and I think to the universe anyway… is that I “do”! And that everything I do, be done simply, elegantly, kindly and most of all, well.

Power is mostly Useless

We all want to be “big”; big “bosses” and big “names”.

That’s fine. Except that none of those things actually matter. What matters is me. And my personality. Do I love people or not? That is the question!

If I do love people, I shall serve; with my rather filthy jars of clay…

Jars of Clay-ness

That requires some god-damn humility!

The best “mega”-people still acknowledge potential when they see it. They are not proud, boastful or arrogant. They love people too…

Small Jams!

Indie IS the future!

NEVER obsess on glitz.

EVERYTHING done well. No budgetary requirements. That’s what TRULY and simply matters; let’s do; no more excuses and “waitings”.

Ava DuVernay



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