The Petrol Attendant
A Heavenly Solution to African Problems
What breaks Africa, and its people, is trying to “compete” with each other; and ultimately with, white people!
It’s easy to “compare”. Not as easy to “create” something.
It’s easy to “design”. Not as easy to actually sell something that fucken’ works.
It’s easy to “talk”. Not as easy to actually do something.
Nice about working at a Petrol Station, no cares about your “good English”… everyone just needs a “93 or 95” for R200 (in Pretoria, South Africa). I tried to “show” a tavern-owner my “brilliant” business plan and he told to stop wasting his time and just focus on the petrol meter!
I have always been an explorer of new ideas of building cities. Now I want to go to Las Vegas!!! I have a feeling I will love the place. A bit like I love Berlin and Cape Town. Maybe??? Not?
Probably not.
I love Pretoria more than Cape Town in actual fact. I should focus more on building my city. And not to fool around with dumb, outdated, and ungodly concepts.
The IDEA of excellence is not just HIGHLY dependent on the West… It is, in actual fact, highly unfavorable to Africa and the East.
But for both peace and prosperity, Africa (and the “rest”) needs this idea as an external guide. We’ll NEVER be “white!”. What we really need : is God, inspiration and sacrifice, not competition nor entitlement.
Don’t be worrying about my English (or “dress”) though! Those things do not add anything to my critical work here on earth!!!
All I want to be, ultimately, is a comedian. Not the “greatest” designer of cars, diagnostic systems, FUNCTIONAL systems, communication systems, and cities!
It is I, the Petrol Attendant!