The Black Man is Fucked, Whatever He Does

Lesang Dikgole
6 min readJan 25, 2019

I am probably playing the “outrage game” a little too hard, but there it is: Black Men are the most fucked, and fucked-up species on the planet…

It is depressing to look at the actual (rather than) imaginary issues that black men have to face on a persistent basis. They are much hard harder than you think.

The Greatest Black Man in Recent History

See, black heterosexual men, being ‘men’, cannot readily “avail” their bodies in hope that they can be ‘rescued’ by a richer guy (Believe it or not, though obviously not ‘ideal’ or likely, black women DO have that option!). They are on their own. Full stop. The idea that black men ‘have a tendency’ to be lazy and that they have a predilection for ‘government handouts’ is not well thought-through.

See, it is not that ‘manly’ after-all to be a ‘dependant’-male; that is, if the ‘male’ concerned has any hopes of procreating and being respected by the society at large.

See, every black man, has to hustle. There is not much ‘choice’ involved in that decision.

So, who is the greatest black man in recent history?

  • Richard Williams, by far

(Barack Obama comes really, really close but he is, comparatively, quite a loser as it shall soon become evident.)

Richard Williams (RW) is the father to the William sisters. He coached and trained them all the way to their Tennis championships : turning a typically sad set of circumstances he grew up in and that (even) his daughters we brought up in, into international Fame, Glory and Dominion!

(So, why is this relevant?)

This is relevant because as already mentioned, every black man, has to hustle. But the hustle that RW (deliberately) chose is quite remarkable in that he dared to dream to make his daughters into tennis champions when that was extremely unlikely (if not impossible!) for black girls. Quite frankly, it would have been enough for him to just say that he wants his daughters to become professional tennis players. In that way, he would have been able to ‘have a way out’ in case their careers collapse, or in the event that he ‘fails’ to afford them requisite food, shelter and safety (which were, quite frankly, more important than his ‘tennis lessons’!!!)All these, would have been way more ‘reasonable’ a contingency for a black man to make.

It must be kept in mind that RW stayed in Compton, an apparently poor and dangerous neighbourhood, while BOTH bringing up his daughters, and ‘dreaming BIG’ about their future glory and success.

So, why is RW a hero?

Black men often fail to provide the ‘basics’ for their women and children. Provisioning basics such a food, shelter and safety are extremely hard to come by for black men due to the terrible circumstances they find themselves in: a. unsafe neigbourhoods, b. rampant unemployment / much inferior opportunities for education/development and/or employment.

RW was/is still Fucked, You See

RW eventually moved out of the Compton neighborhood after his daughters ‘made it into the big league’.

Why is this relevant (again)?

See, he ‘made it’! He is evidently a great success: worthy to be ‘celebrated’ and even defended in the black community!

But that’s not how it works for successful black men, they become targeted for being ‘arrogant’ by both whites and most blacks. That, combined with staying in an unsafe neighbourhood with no real law and order in place, it is often much preferable for one to ‘move out!’.

Had he not done this, he would have been endangering both himself and his family.

But, wait!

I said BOTH whites and blacks do resent him! And that is indeed the case when one observes how the man has been observed in some (‘white’) media presentations. Sadly, I would not be surprised if he experiences racism on a routine basis in exactly the ‘safer’ (white) neighbourhood he moved to. I have been there… (This is all in spite of — actually, due to — his great success! It is basically a colossal ‘fuck you’ for being a successful black man with two wildly successful daughters.)

Barack Doesn’t Come Close!

For all his ‘large vision’ for America and his passionate plea for a ‘more caring’ global society, Barack Obama (colossally) failed the ‘black man’ life test.

What exactly did HE achieve anyway?

The first black president of the US of A. Yay!

But see, as it eventually happened to RW, he also had to ‘join the club’ in terms of avoiding to ‘live’ with other black people. (Snubbing Kanye West and calling him a jackass was just the surface of it).

But Barack did NOT endure the same struggles that RW endured while growing up. Yikes, he did NOT ever have to bring up his daughters in a rough neighbourhood. For goodness sake, Barack never had to pay a heavy PERSONAL sacrifice to ensure a better future for his daughters: like ‘learning to play tennis’ not just that you can play it well ‘with friends’ after a law class at Harvard, but to actually fight for your daughters to become World Champions of the game you barely master yourself…

No! Barack did well for himself, but he barely endured the black man’s struggle. In fact, he never did.

‘Socialism’ Is Not Black

For all the talk about Barack being a socialist, it is not entirely clear if that is either due to him being a hypocrite (as he clearly long-abandoned his ‘society’) or if that is due to the classic mis-categorisation of the ‘black man problem’.

I suspect the latter.

Black men are NOT socialists! I am yet to meet one if any do exist. (I always advice people to take a good look at Africa and ask themselves why there are so many tribes, cultures, languages, clans and dialects! If African people were indeed ‘socialist’, we would have long found a way to at least have a common language! Failing which, why do we have to stay so far apart from each other? Why have we never founded cities for better proximity, productivity, cooperation and social cohesion? ’Cause we Africans are, for all intents and purposes, naturally anarchists! Du-ahahaha-H!).

When Barack or any Black politician speak of ‘socialism’ and its various ‘glorious’ benefits, they are not really talking about how ‘blacks (always) share things with each other, so white people should do it too’. What they are really, really talking about, is the idea that “historical racism/colonialism” has robbed black people of all kinds of things, so ‘we’ (black people) want those things back. In other words, this is more of an argument of ‘historical justice’ than it is a reflection of how black communities organise themselves.

The “real” Problem

The problem is the following: a. every black man knows he has to hustle on his own, b. he feels robbed by ‘historical’ and ‘institutional’ injustices, c. if he decides to ‘ignore’ these injustices and ‘pull himself up by his bootstraps’, he will be vilified all the same by both ‘whites’ (for being arrogant) and ‘blacks’ (for thinking he is ‘special’ and anti-socialist). It is no wonder that it is much easier to be a socialist black politician as a black man! In that way, you can ‘have your cake and eat it too’ by giving empty promises to other blacks (while delivering on nothing), and still have ‘access’ to opportunities for feeding one’s own family.

The real problem with this latter strategy is that it ACTUALLY (and substantially) contributes nothing to other black men. It is basically still every man for himself! (Are you still paying attention? I am saying black men are fucked!) It is no wonder that one hears too many stories of tyrannical black leaders, corrupt black politicians and African dictators who refuse to leave power because ‘they are serving the people’!

What Would Richard Williams Do!

Well, clearly, Richard Williams is not perfect.

It is perhaps better to ask then, what should or (could!) he have done?

Well he could have ‘saved’ not just himself and his family, but also his community, by staying in a dangerous neighbourhood. His life would have (almost) certainly been shortened by that in the long run… Nonetheless, by sticking around, he would have:

  • avoided being accused that he ‘abandoned’ “his” people (and therefore ‘not a great example’)
  • avoided experiencing continued racism (in the ‘safer’ neighbourhoods he moved to)
  • guided many a young black men away’ from being fucked

But looking at the larger picture, his, was a life of a man on a mission. His, is a story that should be told many times. A story that needs to be told many many years to come!

Without that, trust me, black men are fucked.

