RULED by the Evils, Part I
Giving to those who already have taken
“In the principle!”
“Which principle?”
“It’s the principle of loving your enemy. Christ said we must do it!”
“Well then, how aught we to deal with the reality of an evil person being lifted up in their evil… continuing the path of destruction?”
“That’s not your concern!”
“Why? My life could be on the line! My children’s or loved one’s lives could be on the line! We must not be unwise!”
“Granted. But is fear the answer my friend? Are you more afraid of evil people than God?”
“When it comes to the flesh; yes! I actually am!”
“Well, fear not….”
“Stop it! I am expressing what I know. Don’t preach!”
“OK. Think of it this way: there must be a way for you to recognise that evil people will be evil. Do you acknowledge? The point I am making is that is impossible to control what is in their minds and hearts. Rather answer this question in fact: do you think “fearing” and “scheming” around evil people will help you to “deal” or “defend” against their evilness?”
“Eh… dunno. Having a plan never harmed…”
“Here’s ‘l deal: I asked if YOU will be helped by this “scheming”. NOW. At present. Do YOU find repose in that?”
“Just playing safe…”
“Fine. But what is more important than safety? Is it not progress? Is it not peace? Is it not doing good?”
“I think….”
“You think? You should KNOW this! That was your argument at the beginning anyway. You said you know how you feel about an evil person’s potential to physically bring harm to you. All of a sudden you seem to suddenly not “know” if their “potential” (even eventual!) harm eventually can bring harm to your progress, peace and goodness.
You have to decide which is more important to “sacrifice” (in view of the “impending” physical harm). Is it your physical safety? Or is it your existential safety? “
“Physical s’…..”
“Don’t lie to yourself! Besides, even if you are so lost as to continue along this way, consider too that physical safety has too many dimensions. What happens when the “nature” of the threat suddenly changes? Will your mind and spirit be prepared?”
“I need to prepare for all scenarios then. Not simply “give in” because they are too many…”
“Consider this: not only are the dimensions of threat, too numerous; but the resources available will always be limited. Such that even if a threat is recognizable, there may still be a “failure” in requisite response.”
“Please further explain your views.”
“It is actually only ONE view, not views! And it is rather straightforward : turn the other cheek for your OWN physical and existential safety!
It is a bit like “cutting your own hand off” for the sake of the truth. Jesus was quite clear in his warning that forsaking to do this, is in fact the very thing that lands us in the courts. He made a firm warning that we would lose a lot more and a lot more would unravel to the point of “losing our last penny!”.
But this is not merely about the truth. It is mainly about creative progress. There is no true life outside of creative progress. The existential spirit ceases when a being can no longer “create”. It dwarfs…suffocates… cringes… contracts. A death, but slow ...
As an aside: perhaps even when Jesus talks about “cutting the hand or the eye that causes to sin” he is actually referring to this very matter.
Also consider this: do not allow yourself to become evil… The line between good and evil is fairly straightforward: do no harm. Do good instead. If you choose “do harm” (for the supposed “sake” of revenge), how do you even know if you have not now become an evil person?
Doing evil, even if “unnatural” to your soul, will readily lead down the path ...
I meant to say the darkest path.”
“How… seems… imagine… what if… this bad, seriously?”
“At the end of the day, it is all predicated on what one’s goals in life are. One’s life is either geared towards accumulation or towards making a sacrifice…”
“Meaning? Please keep it simple this one last time…”
“I mean to this that any form of obsession with ‘hurt’ (whether inward or outward directed) is ultimately about viewing life or existence through the lenses of comfort. When one takes that to infinity, it would mean that life is ultimately about unfettered accumulation… the opposite applies to an obsession with ‘love’ (it leads to one viewing life through the lenses of sacrifice).
I have known myself when I had “everything” the world saw as important. (Didn’t I do it all for “them”?). I was always drained. Always “running”. Always “hiding”. Always anxious. Always “busy”. Always fidgeting. Always grumpy. Always fearful. Always plotting. Always comparing. Always drunk. Always lonely. Always unhappy. Always on the “defense”. Always clueless. Always afraid of nothing but afraid of everything. Suicidal. Calculating. Evil. Repulsive. Empty. Hopeless. Lazy. Ungrateful. Unkind. Suspicious. Joyless. Greedy.
It was the “accumulation” game! Why do we humans bother with pomp, dress, and prose? Think about it very carefully. The accumulation game is a thankless existence. But we do it. Many “want” it! So why on earth do we do it? It is not like we can take our accumulations to the grave!
Consider that even if we accumulate all the riches on earth, we would still not enjoy them alone. We would be too “hidden” from many to enjoy them. We dig our own thankless pit! But by the time we discover it. It is already late!”
“Does life have meaning?”
“Does suicide have meaning?”
“That’s a recursive question. You are trapped…
Nakedness is bliss. Honesty is gold. Sacrifice is prosperity.
There is simply no other way.
This, is the simple way. The way “absconded”…”
“I feel like this is too unrealistic.”
“You keep creating unnecessary traps inside your mind!”
“I guess?”
“Overcome this. Ask God for wisdom, not riches. Ask a friend for love, not bread. Ask the earth to give you a plant, not a diamond.