Obedience vs. Sacrifice vs. “Forgiveness”

Forgiveness as anti-happiness

Lesang Dikgole
2 min readJan 10, 2020

In my War Against Happiness essay, I listed a number of “prime suspects” behind general and universal unhappiness that abounds in the world in time immemorial and times present and future.


The general idea about ‘being human’ is that we are bound to make mistakes!

No amount of religion, fear-based law (violence), psychology, philosophy or even “forgiveness” or mercy can stop this.

One way, exalted by all manner of fascists, drug-addicts and radical anarchists is to indeed “accept” humans as they are; to do what they want; even to “let them flourish” like flowers… (I call it a “disguised” form of pedophilia, which would put Nietzsche, Freud, and most “pro-choice” people in the same category).


The general question we aught to be asking, is what to do with what it means to be human, which is, to err.

We are bound to hurt others, including ourselves.

Others, including ourselves, are bound to hurt us.


Which then begs the question, what do we do? Do we ameliorate those who cause hurt? What if we are the ones who hurt ourselves then?

The process is clearly recursive. Whatever we choose!!! Amelioration requires an understanding of the human comedy; compensation requires the law; and religion encourages forgiveness via mediatory means.

The Bible contends that “Obedience is better than sacrifice”, failing which, I personally, would like to contend that “Sacrifice is better than forgiveness”. It is absolutely necessary, for the human condition, for “sacrifice” to occur and to restore order, law and happiness. There… forever… shaaaaaaaaall… never… beeeeeeeeeeee…. any, more… happy, obedience… without… sacrifice!

It is within this consideration that I consider “forgiveness” (in popular culture) to be clearly an enemy of happiness.

(For Christians, I don’t think this applies to “fellow” believers; just in case you were wondering…)

Even more, “forgiveness” can easily lead to fear, a sense of entitlement or even further encourage jealousy (as the “psychological” means of trying to understand why someone who hurt you —and that you forgave — is more successful than you are…).

Happiness. Err. Sacrifice!



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