I’m Weary and Tired, Save Us Lord
(This is a Prayer for the weary and tired who seek to walk in the light in spite of the impending and persistent forces of darkness)
I’m not really scared of telling the truth. I was only seventeen years old when I preached my first sermon! I basically preached in an Assemblies of God church and indirectly told the Pastor that he is going to hell for not taking care of God’s children and people (including the surrounding community). Based on Matthew 25.
(This wasn’t the first and last time. I have said and done many other similar things mostly in my youth that threatened my existence, even physically. I was almost kicked out of home at the young age of 15, for example. And NOT for being naughty! Just for observing evil things about the world and speaking against them! Blame that on “too much” bible reading at a young age.)
One thing I have observed is that the truth/light and lies/darkness live in completely PARALLEL universes. Completely! People “of the light” like things of the light. People “of the darkness” like things of the darkness. Whenever there is a “confrontation” between the two, there’s ALWAYS a deeper conflict at play. The problem, of course, is that “people of the dark” mostly understand “physical” warfare: violence, threats, lies, etc. When “people of the light” see this, they become very quickly confused: should they respond to the “threat” by using the same or at least similar measures? Well, as it turns out, that actually can yield results. But the existential damage done by doing this is usually painful and sorrowful.
The answer, lies in a prayer for salvation:
God created us from clay ; Yet he made us in charge of land of clay;
We shall return to clay; Yet he made us in charge of the oceans and sky;
The God of Jesus Christ; The God of John Wesley; Save us!
We ask you Lord, to keep us in the light; from darkness to light, and light is bright;
We beseech you, strengthen us for flight; give us strong knees to run with the light;
The God of our Fathers; the God of truth; Save us!
We are weary of death, fear, betrayal and lies; But you clothe us with life, faith, love and truth;
We are forsaken by those of the dark; and known only by those of coming from the dark
The God of Light; the God of salvation; Save us!
Keep us faithful in your arms; keep us protected from the dark; may we forever rejoice away from the dark!
We shall sign, dance and play in the light; you will foil the plans of fools of dark.
Keep us in joy; keep us in light; Save us!
We know Oh Lord, that no darkness can overcome the light; light overcomes the dark.
We know my Lord, that to pursue the light means to forsake those of the dark;
Forgive and give us strength, in Love; Save us!