A Federal Politan Revolution (FP/2)


Lesang Dikgole
4 min readMar 12, 2024
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Concerning whether the federal politan might hate to surrender to the status quo i.e. imagine if our example Korean population decided that they do not care much for the old French language and or even American customs, and they demand a new identity : 1) a new language, 2) a new religion, 3) a new nationalism, 4) a new kingdom. To justify this logic, also imagine if their primary motivation for this would be that slavery or colonialism was a great evil that needed to be ‘undone’.

As an aside : Most modern people would identify a revolution like this as a form of a ‘reset’. For South Africa, I would argue that the reset was the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). For Germany, I would argue, that it was the Nuremberg Trials. I would also argue, that the Nuremberg trials were probably more effective as they involved sentencing to prison, life or being ostracised. The understandable counter-argument to that would be that the Apartheid regime was a lot more brutalistic than genocidic ; meaning that the acknowledgement of ‘brutalist’ (racial) discrimination and segregation as an actual evil equivalent to slavery (and correcting those evils by co-opting a new nonracial constitution that guarantees rights to life, liberty and property for everyone — formerly pro- and anti-racial-brutalism) are a good enough reset, equivalent to a ‘democratic revolution’.

The problem with the logic of ‘undoing’ any evil (i.e. 1) brutalist-discrimination/, 2) colonialism, 3) slavery, 4) imperialism, or 5) communism/fascism) is that it often involves the use of violence; and the newly-found violence will eventually be recognised as an evil itself; thus perpetuating the cycle.

A reset; isn’t really possible or feasible.

One reason for the impossibility of a reset is that it is often premised on the problem of identity (or class). So, if you are Korean and Buddhist, you assume that the reset means that the French will simultaneously adopt both the Korean language and Buddhism as their new identity or new nationalism after the reset (or revolution). But that is not a natural outcome of any revolution or political violence. Identity is not something that just changes based on the winds of political intimidation. It has to be a lot more orchestrated than that. For one thing our shared human history forbids such a thing : you cannot neatly separate being Buddhist from being French; any more than you could separate being Christian from being French. As a matter of fact, a lot of French people would objectively hate being associated with Christianity, and most will still not care enough about Buddhism to know if they want that to be their newly-found religion. The same applies to language and other ‘markers’ of nationalistic identities : the french may not know what it is exactly they have to ‘benefit’ from learning Korean (any more than they’re willing to cease speaking French). At any rate, one wonders what the Koreans would be willing to achieve by aiming for such a goal : would it not be easier to make more Korean babies, adopt more French children, and criminalise all French speaking arts?

So, all resets (or revolutions), are essentially self-serving and extremely narcissistic if not fascist.

There are no good political resets.

Even if a people-group of the Y-demographic has experienced 1) racism, 2) colonialism, 3) slavery, 4) imperialism, and 5) fascism for the past nine generations, a reset would not be the way around escaping the complexity of subjugation and/or oppression; if anything, one would end-up exactly were they started, i.e. perpetuating the servile and submissive attitudes that led to enslavement in the first place. Kanye West was right:

Slavery was a choice.

By extension :

Racism, colonialism, imperialism are all choices that the subjugated make at some point; perhaps out of fear of death; which would still be a deliberate choice one made to save one‘s-life by living under subjugation.

This is where the dynamic of critical psychology (or critical existentialism), whether pro- or anti-woke makes absolutely no sense. For the anti-woke, they are hell-bent on trying to defeat a psychological enemy that they are yet to fully comprehend. For now at least, it appears that the anti-wokers’ answers to wokism is more philosophical fascism; which we already know to be a nationalistic idealism that divides people and nations along ethnic lines. The answer, once again, to such identity-driven quests is obviously to make more babies, i.e. forcing people to change (and simultaneously abandon) their ‘religion’ of culture, language or pedagogy just for some new (self-serving) nationalism does not work. It therefore doesn’t matter whether critical psychology is black, feminist or fascist, it always leads to the same outcome : that of narcissistic-religion.

To oppose such a moral collapse of equals, one would have no choice but to turn to actual religion; all the nonsense about self-help, psychology, and spirituality would have to give way to something a lot more identifiable, if not verifiable, that simultaneously defines a people-group.

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